
Sapporo Beer Garden

Tourist information


Sapporo Beer Garden


9-2-10 Kita 7 Johigashi, Higashi-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido
Postal code 065-0007

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Sapporo is the birthplace of Japanese beer. Hokkaido Development Commissioners invited Japanese engineers who learned how to brew beer in Germany to build a beer brewery in Sapporo in 1876. Until then, there was an American brewery in Yokohama, but this is the first Japanese brewery. Sapporo Beer Garden was opened in 1966 using the site of the factory at that time. Freshly made beer and Genghis Khan (sheep meat barbecue) became popular and soon became an indispensable spot for sightseeing in Sapporo. Even now, many tourists come from inside and outside Japan. Please try the taste of Japanese beer.

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