
Hokkaido University

Tourist information


Incorporated Administrative Agency Hokkaido University


Kita 8 West 5-chome, Kita-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido
Postal code 060-0808

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Hokkaido University is one of the seven former imperial universities that are the leading national universities in Japan, and is commonly known as "Hokudai". The campus is rich in nature and is rated as the most beautiful in Japan. The research results are highly evaluated internationally, and there are many international students. Its predecessor was Sapporo Agricultural College, which was established in 1876 for the Hokkaido Development Commission. Sapporo Agricultural College welcomed Dr. William Smith Clark, the former president of Massachusetts Agricultural University in the United States, as the first vice-principal, and was the first in Japan to provide American-style modern education. Dr. Clark returned to the United States after his term, but when he left Hokkaido, he shouted "Boys, be ambitious" to agricultural school students from horseback. It is said that it was given at. This word is still famous as a word that inspires young Japanese people. Hokkaido University, which has such a pioneering history and a beautiful campus, is a tourist spot in Sapporo, and many tourists visit the Clark statue and poplar trees on the premises.

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