
Shiroi Koibito Park

Tourist information


Shiroi Koibito Park


2-11-36 Miyanosawa, Nishi-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido
Postal code 063-0052

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Services and fees

Shiroi Koibito Park is a theme park for the famous souvenir sweets "Shiroi Koibito" from ISHIYA. There are "Shiroi Koibito" production line tours, sweets making experiences, chocolate history exhibits, mini railroads, attractions such as Gulliver Town, rose gardens, shops, cafes and restaurants. Various events are held in the facility, and it serves as a performance venue for the YOSAKOI Soran Festival, and the illuminations are lit in winter. Due to the international popularity of Shiroi Koibito, many foreign tourists visit it, making it a new tourist spot in Sapporo.

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