
Hekketsu-hi monument

Tourist information


Hekketsu-hi monument


1 Yachigashira-cho, Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido
Postal code 040-0046

Facility information

The Hekketsu-hi monument is a memorial monument erected in 1875 at the foot of Mt. Hakodate. About 800 samurai of the former Shogunate army who died in the Battle of Hakodate, which was the last local war of the Boshin War, which is the civil war in Japan immediately after the Meiji Restoration, are mourned. It was erected by the survivors of the former Shogunate army after the war. The memorial monument "Hekketsu" is derived from the legend that the ancient Chinese "Zhuang Zhou" explained that "the blood shed by those who died through loyalty will turn into a jewel jasper in the ground after three years."

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